Early Intervention for Children’s Mental Health
Last year, at least 100,000 children missed school due to anxiety, stress, depression and worse*.
and intervene effectively before worrying signs become serious problems.
* UK estimate based on school absences due to wellbeing-related factors reported via Studybugs over the 2018/19 school year.
Helping Schools Intervene Early
What the free Studybugs platform already brings.

Every school day, thousands of parents report their children unwell via Studybugs.
The evidence shows they’re willing to open up about wellbeing difficulties, in a way they aren’t over the phone.
In fact, 5% of all reports posted via Studybugs describe anxiety, fatigue, stress, or depression.
Schools using Studybugs receive these and are able to intervene early, before things get worse.
Read more about the free Studybugs platform »What Studybugs Wellbeing Adds
Open Up to Parents and Children
Parents and children can flag any wellbeing-related concerns (not just absences) via the Studybugs app, quickly, securely and – if they wish – anonymously.
Signpost to Support
Have parents and children directed automatically to appropriate support – whether it’s online resources, an anxiety workshop you’re running, or simply speaking with a staff member.
Have Key Staff Alerted
Live alerts when wellbeing issues are reported from parents, children or staff – sent straight to the relevant staff. Enables immediate action.
Log Anything
For all school staff, a simple way to log concerns about pupil wellbeing, behavioural incidents, safeguarding problems and more.
Plan Interventions
Create your own “Wellbeing Action Plan” for the school. Share who needs to do what and when, with staff, governors and inspectors.
Track the Impact
Monitor actions taken and see their impact on wellbeing, behaviour and attendance – for individual pupils or any target groups you like.
Instant Access
Authorised staff can pull up chapter-and-verse info: reported concerns, logged incidents, actions taken and full correspondence history with parents.
Monitor Physical Illnesses Too
Studybugs lets you track physical illnesses too, so you can see the whole picture of children’s wellbeing – physical and mental.
Keep It Safe
Studybugs ensures your data is kept safe and secure (far safer than storing records on-site). Only those you specifically authorize have access and all access is logged, audited and under your control.
Register Your Interest
We’ll keep you updated on Studybugs Wellbeing, including opportunities to participate in testing and guide development of this new service.